Wednesday, March 2, 2011

day 1 final thoughts

I am really quite pleased with how the day went. I thought at first it would be a struggle. I worried last night that I would be starving all day and have a headache. Side note: i usually have daily headaches anyway from sinus issues. they are something i am used to and dont really think about. but i was worried they would be worse than normal. As I sit here writing this at 715pm, not only do i not have a headache from the diet adjustment, i dont have a headache AT ALL. I dont know that i can credit this to the diet but if it continues i will be SO happy.

I drank lots and lots of water with ice today. I know that helped curb the hunger. But anyone that has ever tried to replace water with food knows that it doesnt really work. It curbs your hunger for a few moments and then you are right back where you started. this was not the case. I simply wasnt overwhelmingly hungry. Thats not to say i didnt get hungry. I had hunger pangs at normal intervals (lunch, dinner) but i wasnt aching for my next meal at any point in the day. In the morning i did have a little anxiety over a case of the munchies. I really wanted to snack on something badly. I sort of just rode it out and didnt give in. I did have a SF star-lite mint and more water and that really helped me forget about the urge to snack (which was purely out of boredom, not hunger).

I am tired today but I am getting over being sick. I had food poisoning sunday night into monday. Perhaps this made my transition into the diet easier? I really dont think so since I was back to eating normally on tuesday. But i do think the illness accounts for my malaise. I actually do feel energetic - i just dont have it in me to do much with it...if that makes sense.

So that is day one. it wasnt too bad. I am sure i will have my struggles but i am totally ready to do it again tomorrow!